- About Me -

My favorite word? "Y'all"

Glad you're stopping by! My name is Demeatrice, but I go by "Jimmy", and I'm a software engineer located in San Antonio, Texas. Depending on who you talk to, some might say I'm not "from" anywhere in a traditional sense. I grew up in a military family that was always on the move to some other state or country, so I ended up with quite a few niche and interesting experiences growing up. What I gleaned from those experiences have helped mold me into who I am today. I learned to adapt quickly to new surroundings, value opinions and outside perspectives, effectively collaborate with others, and the importance of communication in any setting. Phrases such as "Teamwork makes the dream work", "Two heads are better than one", and "The more the merrier!" are always on my mind which is why I believe inclusion is crucial for work environments. If somebody isn't included, then you're missing out on a possible perspective or solution. I find that more often than not, more people is beneficial for finding solutions. That's why I like the word "y'all", it's not only one of the most inclusive words to use, but you can have a fun time saying it with an accent. Go ahead and say it once right now. Now get creative with an accent. Fun right?

Technical Skills
Technology Overview

  • JavaScript
  • Docker
  • Okta
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • RESTful APIs
  • Git
  • Jira
  • Salesforce
  • Zendesk
  • Linux/Ubuntu

These are the languages and tools I'm currently proficient in, but I'm exceptionally quick to learn and utilize new languages and tools. For me, my quest for knowledge does not end with my present languages and technologies. I always strive to become better than I was yesterday by either furthering my current skills or adding new ones to the list.

See these skills in action below!


These projects are currently offline, but if you'd like to check them out then let me know and I can start them back up!


This app is a clone of Meetup.com that utilizes python/flask for the backend and react/redux for the frontend. Here I collaborated with a team to build a site that would allow fellow coders to create, join, or view groups and events.


This is an app that utilizes python/flask in the backend and react/redux for the frontend. I created Dejaview so that a user may be able to quickly reference, track, edit, and organize dreams and thoughts that may pop up in the middle of the night.